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Streetwise Coffee launches across 23 locations in New Zealand

5 November 2018

Coffee cups across New Zealand can now be collected and successfully recycled into copy paper thanks to the launch of Detpak’s RecycleMe™ System.

New Zealand is currently sending around 200million takeaway cups to landfill every year. 

Streetwise Coffee, known for their takeaway coffee cups from their 23 carts in New Zealand, have moved to using RecycleMe™ cups, paired with collection stations to ensure these cups can successfully live again as copy paper. 

The cups will be collected by The Information Management Group (TIMG) and are guaranteed to be recycled into paper. 

Streetwise Coffee Directors Jol Glover & Donna Ferrall say that in just one year, the amount of cups Streetwise will save from going to landfill with the RecycleMe system would wrap around NZ’s coastline 12 times.

“We’re staring down the barrel of an environmental crisis – people understand that we need to recycle, but few businesses are offering consumers transparency when it comes to recycling.” 

RecycleMe™ - Cup today. Paper tomorrow. 

Update May 2024: Please note that Detpak no longer manufactures RecycleMe cups. However, you can still view the RecycleMe range here.

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