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RecycleMe™ launched in the United Kingdom
28 September, 2018
Our RecycleMe™ System was recently launched in the United Kingdom with an event at Taylor Street Baristas.
The event saw three-time United Kingdom Barista Champion Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood and three-time Australian Barista Champion Craig Simon speak to attendees about the latest innovations in the specialty coffee industry.
This included innovations in our Precision Series, promoting the perfect ratio of coffee to milk in takeaway cups, now available with our RecycleMe™ lining.
The innovative new lining is designed to come away easily from the rest of the cup during standard recycling procedures, ensuring the rest of the cup can live again as paper products.
The cup technology has been paired with the right industry partnerships to ensure the cups can be successfully collected and recycled.
In the United Kingdom, Shredall is supporting the system by collecting and guaranteeing recycling of these cups.
Update May 2024: Please note that Detpak no longer manufactures RecycleMe cups. However, you can still view the RecycleMe range here.
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