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Department of Defence chooses RecycleMe™ to divert 130,000 cups from landfill every year

February 19, 2021

Detpak’s RecycleMe™ hot cups will provide a sustainable cup solution for the Army & Air Force Canteen Service (AAFCANS), thanks to a partnership with Veolia.

The innovative cups feature a mineral-based lining, allowing them to be recycled within existing infrastructure in Australia.

As part of a trial of the cups at the Williamtown Base, Veolia have installed cup collection stations.

Dale Manley, Veolia’s National Contract Manager - Defence commented on the trial, “Defence is committed to minimising their carbon footprint through reducing waste-to-landfill and the associated emissions.”

“As we focus our solutions on problematic waste streams such as coffee cups, which contribute to significant waste volume across Defence locations, the RecycleMe™ trial will deliver the desired sustainability outcome that Defence is seeking from its Waste and Sustainable Procurement Program, whilst also delivering potential cost-savings; which is a win-win,” Dale said.

Image of RAAF base, image credit: Australian Defence Force
Image of Army & Air Force Canteen Service (AAFCANS) cafe area

Detpak will supply 2,500 cups per week to the Williamtown base.

The innovative RecycleMe™ cups paired with collection from Veolia will give valuable fibres the chance to live again as  other paper products.

Veolia, Detpak and the Army & Airforce Canteen Service have worked together on providing educational assets.

These introduce the cups and encourage take-up and understanding of the new technology during the cup trial.

In guaranteeing the next life for RecycleMe™ cups, Detpak recently partnered with Opal Australian Paper.

Detpak General Manager of Marketing and Innovation Tom Lunn said the unique lining in RecycleMe™ cups made them the only ones which could be processed by Opal Australian Paper.

“Our recent partnership with Opal Australian Paper promotes a local recycling solution to support a circular economy.

“This means consumers can still order their coffee to go, knowing that their RecycleMe™ takeaway cup will live again as a paper product right here in Australia,” Tom said.

Learn more about the partnership.

Update May 2024: Please note that Detpak no longer manufactures RecycleMe cups. However, you can still view the RecycleMe range here.

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Image of RecycleMe cups