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Webinar: National Packaging Reform

You are invited to a webinar providing an overview of proposed changes to the current co-regulatory arrangements for used packaging in Australia. Announced by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) on 25 September 2024, these changes follow an independent review of the National Environment Protection Measure (NEPM) and Packaging Covenant (APCO) and confirmation that the 2025 National Packaging Targets will not be achieved under the current arrangements.

A consultation paper outlining 3 options for the future regulation of used packaging was released on 27 September 2024, which will impact the future design, recovery and regulation of packaging in Australia.

  • Option 1: Strengthening administration of the current co-regulatory arrangements
  • Option 2: National mandatory requirements for packaging through Commonwealth legislation
  • Option 3: A national extended producer responsibility scheme supported by an administrator with industry-level outcomes

This webinar will provide an overview of each option and why it is important for your business to participate in the consultation process to influence the future regulation of packaging in Australia.  Feedback on the proposed options must be submitted before the 28 October 2024 deadline.

Register now for our webinar

Session 1
Wednesday 9th October
3pm - 3:30pm ACST

Session 2
Thursday 10th of October
3pm - 3:30pm ACST

For further details regarding the proposed changes, please visit the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water here.

For more information please contact your Sales Account Manager or